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what is

KACHING is the new audio-visual format for smart business moves that pay off!

Here I (Junior Soma, Producer & Host) talk to successful people from the business, investment & tech world and share their best practices.

The shared knowledge should motivate and inspire aspiring entrepreneurs & innovators to go their own way to success.

my story

Trained restaurant specialist, customer service agent, warehouse clerk, software test manager, escalation manager, media producer, game developer, technical consultant and sales representative are some of the many titles that I have been able to add to my resume.


My 'professional disorientation', which was initially interpreted as a danger to my career, has developed into a mindset that allows me to fearlessly face every new challenge and opportunity coming my way. My motto? Just do it!


With that mindset, I filmed the interview with the fitness trainer & influencer Strong Hijabi in 2019. What started as a one-off project turned into the successful Made In German Podcast.

In more than 100 episodes I had the opportunity to meet interesting personalities such as Felix Lobrecht (stand-up comedian), Linda Zervakis (TV presenter / ex-Tagesschau announcer), Gregor Gysi (politician, the left), Megaloh (hip-hop artist) & Adrian Rouzbeh (entrepreneur / author).


With KACHING, I'm now challenging myself  yet again to try something new. What will become of it? Stay tuned! Let's get it!



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